連載の初回に、妻のO脚が足指の浮き指を地面につけるだけで改善した話を紹介しました。それから独自に研究を重ね12年の歳月をかけて作った靴下こそ、指を広げて、足の形を正すことを目的に開発された機能性靴下「Yoshiro Socks」です。




実際に履いてみるとこんなに違います。ひろのば体操と違うのは、時間をかけずにすぐに効果を発揮するところ。忙しくて「ひろのば体操」をする時間がない方は、YOSHIRO SOCKSを履いて寝てみてください。寝ている間に外反母趾の改善・予防効果があります。

靴選びも大事ですし、中敷(インソール)も効果がありますが、Yoshiro Socksを使った矯正には以下の利点があります。
▷サイズの間違いが少ない(靴は0.5cm刻みだが、Yoshiro SocksはS、M、Lの3種類)

Yoshiro Socksはソックス全体が伸縮性能が高いため、どんな足の形にもフィットします。また、3ヶ月履いたら足のサイズが5ミリも大きくなったという方もいましたが、それだけ足と指が靴や靴下によって縮みこんでいたということです。それが正され、体の土台が安定するから、腰痛、ひざ痛、O脚などにも効果があるわけです。
YOSHIRO SOCKSは足指変形や不良姿勢を改善する

Wearing YOSHIRO-Socks is rehabilitation in itself
In Chapter 1, I recounted the story about how my wife’s bowlegs were corrected by wearing special socks*. These socks are called “YOSHIRO-Socks”, developed with the functionality to spread and correct the toes.
YOSHIRO-Socks are made from cotton and have 5 toe segments. The differences from regular socks are: 1) they straighten and spread one’s toes; 2) they develop the 3 arches of one’s foot; and 3) they stabilize and develop one’s ankle and heel. The socks are woven in a special way so as to fulfill these 3 functions in your foot all at the same time. Wearing them daily becomes rehabilitation in itself.
What if the socks you wear for the majority of the day are pantyhose or regular (non 5-toe) socks? Even though the pressure from pantyhose and socks is minimal, it can still affect and constrain your toes to result in bunions or bunionettes. This is how the toe deformities occur and although it’s commonly believed to result from wearing high-heels, this is not the case as men can experience bunions and bunionettes too.
It stabilizes the foundation of the body
Choosing good shoes and having appropriate insoles is important, but YOSHIRO-Socks have the following advantages:
Corrective shoes are so expensive that it becomes costly to own many pairs, while socks are less expensive (US$30.00 a pair for the Regular type), and you can even sleep in them.
They can develop the 3 arches of your feet.
There is no need to put them on or remove them as you go in and out of a house/room.
They help to spread and straighten your toes.
There are not as many sizes (S, M, L only) as compared with shoe sizes (every 0.5 cm)
The toe section of YOSHIRO-Socks is woven so tightly that some people, whose toe strength is not as strong or those who have hammer toes, may initially have a hard time putting them on. There are also those whose foot size will increase by 1 shoe size (0.5 cm) after wearing the socks for 3 months. This is a result of their toes, which used to be confined by shoes and socks, now being corrected and straightened, so that the foundation for the body is stabilized. Therefore, these socks are very effective for back pain, knee pain, bunions and more.
*In my wife’s case, a good result was observed because she was on her feet all day at work. This is the reason why her bowlegs were corrected within 1 week. Therefore, wearing these socks as much as possible while you are on your feet is extremely beneficial in restoring the original functionality of the feet.