Misdiagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis
After witnessing the drastic correction of my wife’s bowlegs, I began to focus on patients’ legs and feet when they visited the clinic. One day, a lady complaining of pain in her knees, who had previously been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, paid us a visit.
This lady had been on medication for quite some time, but her pain had not receded and she seemed troubled. When I looked at her little toes, I noticed they were slightly raised off the ground, which we termed as “floating toes”. Her footprints indicated that she was preferentially balancing her weight on her heels.
What is wrong with floating toes? Well, when we do a handstand, none of us would bend or claw our fingers to grab the ground or lift some fingers off the floor. All our fingers should stay flat on the ground. Just bending one finger may result in a loss of balance and cause us to fall. The same thing happens with our toes.
Deformed toes are unnaturally strong
Our feet consist of strong muscles which enable us to stand even when our toes may be crooked. However, when we walk with unstable feet, our hips and the muscles of our upper body need to compensate for this instability to balance the body. This is the reason for the unnatural strain in the body that causes backache, knee pain and distortion of the bone structure.
I advised her to exercise her toes, which she could easily do at home. After three weeks, she returned for her follow-up consultation, and the pain in her knees had completely disappeared. I was so relieved at seeing her being able to walk again without any pain.
Floating toes are not only observed in females but also in males, and are caused either by improperly fitted shoes or by the way one walks. There is an easy check you can perform yourself at home: simply stand barefooted and note whether your little toes are raised off the ground when viewed from the side.
Floating toes are toes that are either raised off the ground or toes that exert very little pressure to the ground. Additionally, bunions and bunionnettes may cause a floating toes effect owing to the pushing-up of the middle toes as a result of the overcrowding.
A floating big toe
Viewing directly from the front and level with the floor, if you are unable to see your big toe’s nail or your big toe’s nail is pointing upwards compared with the other toenails, this can be defined as a floating big toe. In this case, the footprint would only show 1/3 or 2/3 of the big toe. This can also be evidenced by a tear in the sock in the big toe area and is observed in many people who cut their toenails too short.
A test using a piece of paper is one way to check for this deformity. The person to be tested should sit on a chair and a piece of paper is slid under their big toe. The person should use their toe to try and hold the paper to the floor. If it is easy to slide the paper out from under the toe, this is evidence of a floating big toe.
A floating little toe
Doing the same test as above for one’s little toe is the test for a floating little toe. Discolored toenails and/or tiny toenails are often indicators of this deformity.