








A typical deformity of the toes
Hopefully, you have learned from the previous chapter that a toe deformity can cause a change in the use of muscles in the rest of the body and result in knee or back pain. In this chapter, we will discuss other common toe deformities.
When you place both your feet next to each other on the floor, if there is a gap shaped like the letter “V” between your big toes so that you can slide your finger in the gap through to the base of your big toes, you have bunions. Your big toe is supposed to provide a firm foundation to support the weight of your body. Therefore, having a big toe that is deformed and having its nerves suppressed could result in severe pain, even when you are not wearing shoes. In recent years, not only women but also kids and men have been shown to suffer from this deformity.
Little toes may be assumed to not be as important as big toes. However, if you have no little finger, you are unable to firmly hold a pot or swing a bat. The same is true for little toes. If you are unable to use your little toes properly, you are unable to walk steadily.
If your little toes are lying flat sideways or are crooked, these are called “sleeping toes.” Those with tiny toenails on their little toes or with an unusual deformity in their toenails will most likely suffer from sleeping toes.
If your big toe’s toenail is tilted and you have a corn on the side of your big toe, these are also trademarks of a sleeping toe.
When looking at your feet from above, if any of the toenails of your 2nd through 4th toes are facing downwards, this is known as hammer toe(s), but may also be diagnosed as mallet toes or claw toes. In many cases, the top of your toes, toe tips or joints of your toes will have corns or blackish-red marks.
If you align a pen or a ruler along the outer edge of your foot and notice a gap between the pen/ruler and your little toe, this is defined as a bunionette. If the base of your little toe shows redness, your little toe’s toenail is very small or you have a corn between the 4th and little toes, these are indicators that you may have a bunionette.
Only a very small number of people have perfectly normal feet and I am no exception. In my twenties, I was so fond of western boots that I wore boots that were the wrong size, which resulted in severe bunions and caused me severe back pain, so that at one point, I was unable to turn over in bed or perform a squat. I tried all kinds of sports to try to strengthen the muscles in the back to relieve the pain, but such attempts were unsuccessful.
After I learned about the relationship between the toes and the rest of the body, I started paying more attention to my lifestyle and took more care of my feet. These changes led to my 2nd toe, which was almost on top of my big toe, becoming straighter than it had ever been. Before I knew it, the pain in my back had also disappeared.
A triple-point balance
If you continually choose the wrong kinds of shoes or wear your shoes incorrectly, your toes will become deformed. This deformity of the toes reduces the muscle strength in the soles of your feet and causes flat feet, broad feet, and/or club feet.
A foot has 3 arches and balances just like a tripod. The foot can balance well because of these 3 arches. However, with a flat or a broad foot, these arches are not working optimally, so you become unbalanced, which can cause fatigue and dizziness.
Deformities of the foot have a large effect on these arches. In the next chapter, I will introduce what kinds of shoes to choose and how to walk so as to minimize such problems.