




◎ Walk in the way that is appropriate to your bone structure.
After leaning the right way of choosing shoes, wearing them, now it’s the way of walking.
Ms. T had knee osteoarthritis that the cartridge in her knee was worn out. She was unable to go up or down the stairs and was debating whether to have a surgery. When she came walking into my office, her steps were big and I could hear her stomping. I advised her to start walking in small steps; so small that you can’t hear your heels landing on the ground. Then 3 months later she reported to me with joy that now she was able to go up and down the stairs.
In the foundation of this case lies a difference of the bone structures between Japanese and Westerners. The difference in the way of holding the body balance is the key to this.
We Japanese balance ourselves slouching frontward as symbolized in the posture of bending over in rice fields in old days. In that posture the pelvis tends to lean backwards, therefore it is better to walk in small steps. On the other hand, the westerners balance on their heels as they farmed sitting or standing upward using horses and equipment. Therefore, their pelvis leans forwards, hence the style of walking in big steps and landing on their heels works for them.
It’s hard to change the DNA’s of leaning backwards from a long time ago, but we have shifted to wearing western style shoes, walking in big steps, and landing on heels. Nowadays it’s been said that’s the right way of walking, but is that really so for us Japanese? We need to separate the way of walking like a fashion model to show the beauty of the body walking in heels from the way of walking on a daily baisis. Fashion and health are two different things.
◎ Use the overall back of foot and walk in small steps
Wearing waraji, straw sandals, which the Japanese wore in old days, makes you use your toes, as you can’t quite land on heels. On the other hand walking in big steps and landing on heels does not. As a result greater deformities of foot could occur. If you see your shoe sole worn down on the outer, you are walking in big steps landing on heels. If you are required to walk that way due to your work, try and walk in small steps at the end of the day when you go home, just like you brush your teeth at the end of the day.
In order to make it a habit to walk in small steps, first try and walk backwards. Naturally your steps will be smaller and you will feel that you are kicking the floor using your toes. Then walk in reverse, going forwards. That is the key to have your body get used to walking in small steps.
It’s similar to walking in kimono’s, so to speak, or walking on a wooden floor trying not to make any sound. This should naturally bring you to walk in small steps using the overall back of your foot.
Continuing walking that way for 5 minutes everyday will improve in maintaining the balance of your body as it helps building your muscles on the back of your feet. You’ll be healthy and walking beautifully.
The human body uses the appropriate muscles of the overall body by walking using the toes. However, wearing socks and shoes have made it challenging for the toes to be as functional as they should be. I’m sure there are people who have had pain in their back and knees from walking, but that’s because they have been walking with their toes crooked. I would like them to experience themselves that stretching their toes and walking using their toes will correct the distortion of their overall bone structures.