


「遺伝だから」と運動をあきらめてしまったことはないだろうか? 親から受け継いだものは仕方ないと、わたしたちはさまざまなものをあきらめがちだ。一方で、実際に生活をしていると、環境などの後天的な要因が遺伝子を超越することがある気がしなくもないのも事実だ。わたしたちは、遺伝子を超えることはできないのだろうか? その答えが「エピジェネティクス」だというのです。
◎ Jumped beautifully within 2 months.
When I visited Mishima Preschool in Ohgi-machi, Fukuoka, I quickly spotted a boy who was unable to jump without letting both feet go off of the ground at the same time. I asked some teachers about him, and they said that he would fall quite often, was unable to jump-rope, or jump over the vaulting box like other kids do. Therefore he was more introverted and didn’t quite get along with other kids.
He reminded me of my childhood when I couldn’t even do a pullover on the bars whereas everyone else in my class could, so I could totally relate to him. After talking to the teachers we decided to have all the kids do the “HIRONOBA” exercises 20 times on each foot every morning when they come in.
Two months later I visited the preschool again and what surprised me was that the boy I mentioned about was jumping in such a nice form! The teachers told me that he doesn’t fall as often as he used to any more and now he can run around with the rest of the kids. I was very happy to see him looking much more confident than before!
◎ It may not be due to heredity.
The teachers told me that the boy’s classmates also knew that he always had a hard time playing sports that they did the HIRONOBA exercise with him to support him. Although I used to think that the athletic abilities mostly depended on the genetics, it made me think differently after witnessing the radical change in this boy’s ability.
As his toes got straightened and he was able to firmly grip the ground, he was naturally able to use his feet. He must have become confident in himself, as he is now able to do what everyone else was able to as well. He is now able to challenge himself with jump-ropes and jumping the vaulting box.
The “HIRONOBA” exercise is very simple that any preschoolers could put it into practice. If you can see a result in such a short term, it can surely motivate the adults as well as the kids. It’s also great to work together as you encourage one another. If there is any child who seems to have challenges in reflex, let’s try the “HIRONOBA” exercise together with him/her. The cause might be his/her non-straight toes, not his/her athletic ability.