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Two years ago I received many kids’ footprints from a preschool. A representative of the Preschool Teachers Association of Chikugo Region, Fukuoka, which consists of 188 preschools, was concerned about the kids’ athletic ability going down and asked me for advice.
The representative who is also a teacher herself told me that there were abnormalities in the kids’ bodies such as being unable to balance themselves well; falling/tripping easily; falling and hurting themselves badly; and getting tired easily. The teachers were so concerned about the kids’ hurting themselves that some preschools removed the swings. Whenever teachers gather, they’d talk about the way the kids play nowadays has gotten inferior. Around the same time a friend of mine who runs a ballet school told me that there were some kids who land on their heels or land with their knees straight after a jump or some who march with their arms on one side going forward with the foot on the same side or can’t swing their arms rhythmically at all. It was surprising to hear that this is how it is today.
The little kids were hyper that it was hard to get the correct footprints of their feet and analyze from them, but I wanted to help the teachers who care so much about their kids. I needed to come up with a different way.
Checking on the kids’ athletic abilities
As I believed that the answer must lie where the kids were, I started checking on their athletic abilities based on the following 3 criteria: jumping, marching, and squatting. In order to keep it on the same criteria, I myself judged all results.
As I visited some preschools, I found out that there were kids who were unable to jump or march properly just like my friend told me. Also, I at first assumed that the kids in barefoot had better athletic abilities than the ones with room shoes on, but there wasn’t as much difference based on those 3 criteria as I initially thought, which was unexpected. The use or non-use of a gym did not seem to affect the results either.
The first thing I noticed was how unnatural some infants’ crawling was. Probably because they’ve worn socks since right after they were born, they are not using their big toes at all. Also some had feet with deformed toes because of wearing wrong sized shoes, just like adults. Some teachers reported that they don’t play tags nor climb trees any more because they require fast movements and use of toes.
Wouldn’t there be some changes if we train the kids on toes just like the adults? But I didn’t want to add too much burden onto the teachers, as they were already busy the way they were. If the method was too complicated or costly, it will just end up as an armchair theory and defeat the purpose of being able to continue.
Isn’t there an easy way that we can do anywhere at any time? Now I finally came up with this toe exercise called the ‘FC method,” which later turned into “HIRONOBA” exercise. “HIRONOBA” would eventually change not just the kids but also many adults dramatically.